About Us

Epsilon Kappa Omega Chapter

In 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority became America’s first Greek-letter organization established by Black college women. Her roots date back to Howard University in Washington, D.C., where the idea for formation was conceived by Ethel Hedgemon Lyle of St. Louis, Missouri.

After her incorporation as a perpetual body in 1913, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® gradually branched out and became the channel through which selected college-trained women improved the socioeconomic conditions in their city, state, nation, and the world.

On May 11, 1949, Epsilon Kappa Omega Chapter was given a charter.  The 129th graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. consisted of nine charter members: Pauline Coggs, Rena Curry, Aldon Freeman, Clarice Harris, Norma Humphrey, Cassandra Kelley, Mabel Raimey, Dorothea Carter and Edwina Thomas.  The impressive candlelight ceremony was conducted by Regional Director, Lucile Wilkins, at the home of Clarice Harris.  The following officers were selected for 1949-1950.  Pauline Coggs, president; Cassandra Kelley, vice president; Clarice Harris, secretary; Aldon Freeman, correspondence secretary and Ivy Leaf reporter, and Edwina Thomas, treasurer. After the service there was a social hour. 

Formal opening of national headquarters for the 216 chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was held Sunday, October 9, 1949, in Chicago at 6308 Cottage Grove Avenue, with Beta and Theta Omega Chapters serving as hostesses to members of other fraternal organizations who expressed best wishes. 

Epsilon Kappa Omega Charter Members

Pauline Redmond Coggs, a noted community activist and retired professor of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, made her life-transition on July 17, 2005 becoming an Ivy Beyond the Wall. Until then, she was the last living charter member. A prestigious award has been named in her honor and in 1999, the Pauline Redmond Coggs Foundation was formed.

Pauline Redmond Coggs

Phyllis Curry

Alden Freeman

Clarice Harris

Norman Humphrey

Cassandra Kelley

Mabel Raimey

Edwina Thomas

Dorothea Carter


Former Epsilon Kappa Omega Presidents

Our 24th chapter president, Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, served at the highest level of our sisterhood as the 2014-2018 International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.

1st – Pauline Redmond Coggs (1949)

2nd – Edwina Thomas (1950)

3rd – Clarice Green (1952)

4th – Dorothea Carter (1953)

5th – Anna Mae Fisher (1955)

6th – Jodora Middleton (1956)

7th – Mildred Pollard (1958)

8th – Lorraine Crumble Carter (1959)

9th – Julianna B. Rhoten (1962)

10th – Delores Hardiman (1964)

11th – Frances Brock Starms (1965)

12th – Frances Jefferson (1968)

13th – Mary K. Ball (1969)

14th – Melbia Rhodes (1971)

15th – Kathleen Coleman (1973)

16th – Geraldine Goens (1975)

17th – Elvira Dicks (1977)

18th – Mildred Parrish (1979)

19th – Jacqulyn Shropshire (1981)

20th – Irajean Haynes (1983)

21st – Ernestine Hansbrough (1985)

22nd – Ethel Walker (1987)

23rd – Annie J. Carlisle (1989)

24th – Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson* (1991)

25th – Deidra Y. A. Edwards (1993)

26th – Carol Brown Turner (1995)

27th – Jenelle Elder-Green (1997)

28th – Joyce King-Mclver (1999)

29th – Margaret A. Rogers (2001)

30th – Joyce A. Peoples (2003)

31st – Catherine E. Miles (2005)

32nd – Michelle Crockett (2007)

33rd – Teresa Brown (2009)

34th – Sandra Hubbard (2011)

35th – Khyana Pumphrey (2013)

36th – Bridget J. Borum (2015)

37th – Dara Atandare (2017)

38th – Doris Cahn (2019)

39th – Debra Brown Wallace (2021)

40th – Tanzanique Carrington (2023)

EKΩ Charter Members

Pauline Redmond Coggs, a noted community activist and retired professor of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, made her life-transition on July 17, 2005 becoming an Ivy Beyond the Wall. Until then, she was the last living charter member. A prestigious award has been named in her honor and in 1999, the Pauline Redmond Coggs Foundation was formed.

Pauline Redmond Coggs

Phyllis Curry

Alden Freeman

Clarice Harris

Norman Humphrey

Cassandra Kelley

Mabel Raimey

Edwina Thomas

Dorothea Carter

The Pauline Redmond Coggs Foundation was established in 1999 by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Epsilon Kappa Omega Chapter for charitable, educational and community services. It is a vehicle for accepting, distributing and investing funds for student scholarships and awards, community programs, and charitable donations to assist mankind in general.

Visit the Foundation to learn more.